The Eastern Neuroradiological Society

Providing education, peer mentorship, and learning opportunities to neuroradiologists across the Northeastern US and Canada

About the ENRS

Established in 1989, the Eastern Neuroradiological Society enables neuroradiologists across the northeastern United States and Canada build relationships, exchange insights, and advance the frontiers of diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology. ENRS has gathered together a vibrant and collegial community of neuroradiologists, nurturing a culture of learning and professional development through its annual meetings.

At the heart of ENRS lies a commitment to foster connections between neuroradiologists, promote a comprehensive understanding of neurological diseases and innovative imaging techniques, facilitate research, and ultimately drive advancements in neuroradiology. Our organization is particularly engaged in the educational and professional development of early career academic neuroradiologists.

Through its collaborative efforts, ENRS continues to be a catalyst for progress, empowering its members to elevate patient care standards, explore cutting-edge technologies, and shape the future of neuroradiology.

Geographical Boundaires

The ENRS geographical boundaries include the states of:

  • Connecticut

  • Delaware

  • Massachusetts

  • Maryland

  • Maine

  • New Hampshire

  • New Jersey

  • New York

  • Ohio

  • Pennsylvania

  • Rhode Island

  • Vermont

  • The District of Columbia

And the Canadian provinces of:

  • New Brunswick

  • Newfoundland

  • Nova Scotia

  • Ontario

  • Prince Edward Island

  • Quebec